What Are The Functions of Inverters in Photovoltaic Systems?
When you invest in your solar power plant, you want to enjoy very low electricity costs. Solar modules that will produce free electricity from the Sun are not enough. Photovoltaic modules produce only direct current in the system, and almost all of the devices in our homes and businesses use alternating current with a voltage of 230/400 V and frequency of 50 Hz. Therefore, you need to have in your system a device that will convert direct current produced by the photovoltaic modules to alternating current, which you will be able to use. This device is an inverter . The main task of the inverter is therefore to convert DC to AC, in line with the grid parameters, regardless of the external conditions and the instantaneous power of solar radiation. However, the inverters have many other features that can be very useful. Optimisation of the PV system operation An important role of the inverter is to optimise electricity production. The inverter...